Friday, August 12, 2011

Banksy on Channel 4 The Roadshow Antics

Banksy Gets His Own TV Show

New Channel 4 Program "The Antics Roadshow" Saturday 13th August

Banksy, who is no stranger to third person self promotion is about to invade the small box format. On the back of the success of the Oscar nominated documentary film," Exit Through the Gift Shop" it is no surprise that Bansky is moving into the realm of mass media - television. The documentary format is a perfect way for the Bristol born graffiti artist to reach out to a wider audience, for his storytelling. This time, he is entering our livingrooms with an hour long special that chronicles the history of men and women behaving badly in public places. This includes vandalism, street art, breaking and entering and political acts of protest. More than just documenting these antics, it will investigate the psychology behind what motivates them. Banksy humorously explains the genesis of the idea explaining, In a statement the artist said, "Basically I just thought it was a good name for a TV programme and I’ve been working back from there". Channel 4 states, “The Antics Roadshow" examines the stories behind some of the most audacious stunts of recent times and what motivates the perpetrators, from mindless boredom to heartfelt political beliefs.” The program will feature the very first interview with the person who Mohawk’d a statue of Winston Churchill and will also feature personalities such as Noel Godin who popularized throwing pies in celebrities faces.
This hour-long special charts the history of people behaving badly in public, from anarchists and activists to attention seeking eccentrics. Banksy working in collaboration with Jamie D’cruz has produced this hour long documentary special. The film is Narrated by award winning actress, Kathy Burke  Contributors include Michael Fagan talking about breaking into the Queen's bedroom: 'I looked into her eyes, they were dark'; and Noel Godin, who pioneered attacking celebrities with custard pies: 'Instead of a bullet I give them a cake'. The show will be broadcast on Saturday 13th August at 10.45 pm.