Friday, November 12, 2010

Forget about it not Fugghedaboutit....

A few things to remember to forget....

Forget about the sneakers only you got, there not that serious, forget about the shirt you think matches those kicks and kick yourself in the head for trying to match your life around your wardrobe, forget about those wack ass jeans with that horrible design on the pocket that even I'm trying to forget the time I got them for free from some company who I'm glad forgot about me, forget about denominations in your clothing cause ain't going to heaven in no pair of jeans, forget about your wack ass jacket you paid for the name from the days we never forgot but you was never a part of, forget that you wasn't even there rocking that unforgettable jacket from the forgotten days, forget about the new iphone or the new blackberry you want but really don't need cause the phone you got works fine, forget about that bitch that didn't give you her number last night and you thought it was because you pulled out a sidekick and you over thirty, she probably just went off and sucked another niggas dick anyway, forget about yesterdays trials and tribulations as we look towards tomorrow struggles and confrontations, forget about paying your bills today because in all reality. You already forgot that if you pay today it ain't going in til monday anyway!, forget about that look in that persons eyes as you let the subway doors close and you didn't hold them.. shit happens, forget about the shit you stepped in and the cock sucker that said," oh that's good luck",forget that!, forget about the whining baby behind you on the plane that hasn't stopped crying and the single parent slut with her you fancy huh blaring out the skull candy headphones she gave some brain to get, forget about this blog, this post and me if you wanna forget about the things that don't matter in life....

Forget all the above and don't forget to Thank God Its Friday
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